VFX Learning journal Week 1&2

During the first two weeks of this term, i have systematically learned Maya and get to know some new things which i have never tried before when i use Maya to modeling. Before i was stuck in my models’ mesh and i created too many useless lines and faces in my model so that it will take me forever for rendering these faces, sometimes I will get messed up. But through this two weeks  VFX fundamentals lecture, some of these problems can be solved and get in control. Also, for myself, i still need to practice more to master these skills.

It’s my first to get to know and in use 3DE, it’s very fresh to me. It’s pretty similar to AE motion tracking but 3DE is more complex, advance and widely used in movies, so I’m willing to learn and for now, I’m still playing around and figuring out the use of every controller.

3DE face trucking