VFX Learning Journal Week 5


In this week’s class, I made a fireplace. To create this fireplace, I have used a different way to control rocks configuration which is Bend Tool, this is way faster to control a huge numbers of polygons and let them bend together. Also, I can set up displacement map and bump map skilfully this time, but for UV map, I think I need a bit more time to figure out how to map my model more efficient.


In week fifth class, I have followed Mr. Nick’s way to create a simply displacement map in Photoshop and them import it in the Mudbox to create three different brick walls. Each wall has different texture because I want to make my bricks looks more soft and less particles, I have changed my pictures brightness and blur it.


Zbrush is one of software which I want to learn the most! And this week, I’m really excited to open and start to learn sketching a male’s face. There are many tools and brushers that I can use, I know how to use Move, Clay, stander Tool and use ZRemaesher  to control my mesh line. I have used UV Master to unwarp my models’s UV and import it into Maya to put texture on. My ‘Joker’ model looks not very perfect because I need to put more details of my character’s skin and there are some lines I can see clearly on my final render which may be my ZRemesher’s set up or subdivision’s problem. But I really like Zbrush and I want to use Zbrush to try some hard surface models.

Through these images, I can see there are still some problems on my character’s face, such as the textures, and it looks a bit odd on the ears and side of the face, it may be the problems of my model exporting or UV. However, I really like the shape of my character, it looks evil and creepy a bit, but for Zbrush modelling, I need to do more practice on the human’s head.