Sustainable development of Interactive Movie & Narrative Games


Nowadays, in a world of rapid technological development, people are constantly updating and changing their spiritual and material needs and pursuits, and many new technologies and ideas are being born to meet these needs. For the film industry, the interactive film is a “renewal” of new technology and ideas. In the past, we thought that a movie was wonderful to work with a complete plot in the cinema, but in interactive movies, the ending and direction of the story are not single, we can even change and choose the plot we want to see through our own ideas, and we become the “director” of the work; this idea is not only applied in movies, but also in games. This idea is not only applied to the film, in the game, but we can also do so. Today’s 3A games abound with beautiful graphics and great storylines, so why not let the player take ownership of the work based on these techniques and inspirations? Sometimes not all stories have a plot that satisfies players, and not all players like the same plot. Sometimes, players want to see the resolution they want to see, and manipulating the entire plot will instead give them a greater sense of immersion and a deeper memory of the work. To fulfill these needs, interactive movies and narrative games have appeared on the screens of our electronic devices. Of course, the emergence of interactive movies and narrative games also raises some questions: Are these types of works really popular with the public? Will it conflict with what movies and games bring to people themselves? The emergence of this type of work, it is ultimately a game or a movie? Does this type of work have a sustainable future? In order to find answers to these questions, I have done some research and studies to answer them. Body:


Are these types of works really popular with the public?  I made a survey to find out whether people know about this genre. In this survey, I asked questions about the personality of the people, their favorite types of works, and their knowledge of interactive films and narrative games. The number of participants in this survey was 22, and from the overall situation of the survey, most of them liked and encouraged the continuation of these works. In the question “Do you like to be in charge of something”, 80% of the participants said yes, and 90% of the participants said yes to the question “Do you like to choose the ending of a story”, which means that interactive movies and narrative games are real and engaging, and people are willing to try them and are eager to see more of them. However, the survey also revealed that 20% of the participants were not interested in this genre or did not know much about it, so not everyone could distinguish the difference between interactive movies and narrative games. Therefore, are interactive films and narrative games of the same nature and can they be distinguished from each other?


Will it conflict with what movies and games bring to people themselves?  In this paragraph, I would like to analyze the reasons for the appearance of games and movies and the purpose of their emergence, to analyze whether the emergence of interactive movies and narrative games will change the purpose and nature of the original emergence of movies and games, to prove whether the emergence of interactive movies and narrative games will bring people more advantages than disadvantages or disadvantages according to some literature, and whether it will affect the future film and game industries and whether it will lead to the development of other industries, such as VR, metaverse, etc.


The emergence of this type of work, it is ultimately a game or a movie?  In this paragraph, I will explain the difference between games and movies through the difference between movies and games in terms of production and pastimes, and I will analyze the difference in player and audience interactivity and production ideas between interactive movies and narrative games through literature and cases.


Does this type of work have a sustainable future?  In this paragraph, I will analyze the need and the factors required for the sustainability of interactive films and narrative games through my questionnaire and the feedback from some of the works, as well as the cost and technical requirements for the production of such works. Also, for the future of the film and game industry, the possibility of different forms of interactive narrative works with the player can be introduced to more areas. Conclusion: Through the above arguments, I believe that interactive movies and narrative games need to continue to develop because there is an interest and demand for this form of work, and in the future, there will be more external devices and technologies to enrich the interactivity of these works and from the research, it can be found that what is more important in this type of work is the sense of immersion and clever interactivity of players and viewers, which makes the work more interesting and extensive.


Connection, Minority, Immersion, Education, Underconrtol,

Connection: every time when we watch an Interactive movie or Narrative game, we feel like we are participating with the main character or the character who we controlled or played. At this time, we will put our personal emotions on the character so that we feel like we are the character and we are in the movie, and this is the big difference when we sit in the cinema or at home, eating popcorn while watching movies, and this is the connection. 

Minority: Due to the issues of technology and a large amount of capital and actors investments, Interactive movies and Narrative games are still immature and in development. So there is still a minority.

Immersion: This is similar to connection. The reason why we are immersion in this is that we think we can control the story, so we are looking forward to the development of the story. We will focus on every movement of the characters, camera, and environment. 

Education: On the other hand, Interactive movies and narrative games are not only for adults but also for children. In some ways it is educational, and through my research, Interactive movies and games can be very good at relieving children with ADHD, also, these kinds of movies can make children more engaged in learning and understanding knowledge.

Under control:

When you make a decision, you think it’s you doing it, but it’s not. It’s the spirit out there that’s connected to our world that decides what we do and we just have to go along for the ride. — Colin Ritman,