Blog Task & Researching

  1. What you’re researching? How you’re researching it? & Why it is important to research this subject?

After I decided on my topic is about Interactive movies and games, I start to do some research in week two. Before I start to research, I have listed these scopes which are:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of this form in games and movies.
  • The production cost of such films and games?
  • Reviews of such films and games?
  • Sustainability of this form of film and games.
  • What are they look like in the future? (Metaverse, VR or TV, etc.)

Through these questions, I am going to find some articles and facts on Google, JSTOR, and EBSCO. To get the exact answer which I am looking for, I firstly type Interactive Movie and games in the search bar to get some information on this form’s movies and games, and then though these works, I will pick some for further searching. After I can understand and distinguish this type of movie and game, I will do research for some specific points to find the answer to the upper questions.

The importance to research this subject is because for movies and games, it is a new way of expressing themselves, and the feeling that this form of expression brings to the audience and players are fresh and unique. But the thing is Interactive games and movies are still relatively small for now, so I want to explore more about them and deeply learn this form. Also, I have played some of these games and I really like and am interesting in them, so I really want to know more about this type of work.

2. Provide at least 5 keywords

Connection, Minority, Immersion, Education, Underconrtol

Through this week’s research, I summery the Interactive and Narrative games into the upper 5 keywords.

  • Connection: every time when we watch an Interactive movie or Narrative game, we feel like we are participating with the main character or the character who we controlled or played. At this time, we will put our personal emotions on the character so that we feel like we are the character and we are in the movie, and this is the big difference when we sit in the cinema or at home, eating popcorn while watching movies, and this is the connection.
  • Minority: Due to the issues of technology and a large amount of capital and actors investments, Interactive movies and Narrative games are still immature and in development. So there is still a minority.
  • Immersion: This is similar to connection. The reason why we are immersion in this is that we think we can control the story, so we are looking forward to the development of the story. We will focus on every movement of the characters, camera, and environment.
  • Education: On the other hand, Interactive movies and narrative games are not only for adults but also for children. In some ways it is educational, and through my research, Interactive movies and games can be very good at relieving children with ADHD, also, these kinds of movies can make children more engaged in learning and understanding knowledge.
  • Under control:

When you make a decision, you think it’s you doing it, but it’s not. It’s the spirit out there that’s connected to our world that decides what we do and we just have to go along for the ride.

— Colin Ritman, “Black Mirror: Bandersnatc

Same like the interactive movies and Narrative games, we think we can change the way of the storylines, but the fact is we can’t, the ending of the story had been under-controlled and we just follow one of these storylines, we are unable to change the ending because it has been finished, maybe it has a good ending or bad, or both, we just press the bottom to let one of this ending happened.

3. Provide at least four sources, debates, or texts on the subject area and a short explanation of the relevance to your project proposal.

These research are can effect or prove my points. After i first think of this topic, i think Interactive movies and Narractive games are simply and it aboustly gonna have a good future and be promoted, but after i read these articles, they make me hava a deep think of this form and a bit consider of the futurer. As the artcle says

TV is background entertainment; it’s mostly just helping to pass the time. And even when ‘dedicated’ TV time occurs, its purpose is often to help an audience member relax and unwind after a long day or week. They didn’t turn on the TV to be challenged by it, but to be indulged.

So in my project proposal, i will focus more on the purpose of making Interactive movies and Narractive games, to pursure a strong sense of substitution or just want to be entertainment.