Production: char*back= ‘Future’

During this semester, I have get an extra production to work on which is from a MFA student who studied fashion design in Oxford LFC. The title of this production is called char*back= ‘Future’, she wants to use the character’s behaviour and clothes she wears to tell the audience the world we are living in may be not real, and we may want to find out and get connect with ourselves who lives in another world.

I am in charge of post-productions and mainly is about VFX compositing. This is my first production to work with some other people in the different courses, which is very excited and a bit nervous because I was afraid that I may not able to create such a final products to let them satisfied, there are a lots of unknown issues may happened, but I am willing have a try and do my best.

The following videos is what I have done in this production and the details which I may need to take care about in my work later on. In this production work, I mostly use the After Effect for tracking, VFX and editing because I am a bit confident of my AE skills.

 There are many thing I have never did before so that I have got many problems during composting, the most challenge one for me is ‘Cloth Matching’ in Maya. Because the director have finish shooting already and they don’t have actual clothes to change, so we need to model a 3D clothe and match on the character. I have worked with Chad who is in our class, he worked on the 3D modelling and texturing, after he finish the clothes and match the pose of character In the video, I need to track camera in AE and import the camera into Maya to match the clothes so that the angle of the clothes will be the same as character.

This is very challenging for me because I have never did this before. I have did a lot of research about camera tracking in AE and import camera in Maya.  I have download a plugin which can export my camera in a ma file. After I import the camera, I need to create a polygon and scale it up, then I use the camera view which is the camera I have imported, I need to check the position of the camera and then import the clothes and the original video to start matching. During matching, I feel it’s very hard to match the character properly, maybe the way I have used is incorrect.

Overall, it’s wonderful to get this opportunity to work on such a production I am interested in, and it’s a rich experience that I know how to do composting better, the most important thing that what I have learnt is communities to each other, in the group work, we need to talk more to clear the production, and if a file need to pass to the next editor, what I can do to clear my dashboard so that they can easily to work on it.

Final Production