Personal Project_Week 05

In week 5, I have match moves and combined my CG with my footage. As the following images show, I just export one frame from my shooting footage and import it into Maya to combine with my model, and because my camera is not moving and most of my scenes are using a tripod to shoot so that’s much easier to combine them together.

In my project, I have four scenes that need to combine like this, and the time of each scene is not more than 6 seconds. Also, I just have to render out the model and its shadow, so it will not take a long time for rendering.

To let my CG model perfectly combine with my footage, I have added exactly the same lights in my scene and added shadow-mat texture under and beside my model.

For the next step, I will do the last check of my lighting and position of these combinations, after that, I will render them out for color correction, clean-up, and some VFX editing.

However, I have also done some visual effects in some of my other scenes which don’t need to combine with my CG. As the following videos show, I have changed my eyes’ color and used the key light node to clean up my background. Because in this scene, the character has been infected and lost his mind, so I want to let him look a bit horror and out of his control.

In the next scene, the character starts flying in the air and his body is disappearing, so i have used the particular effect in AE and the final effect looks good, i will add background of these two scene and do some color correction for some details editing.