Personal Project_Week 03

In week three, I almost finished my project shooting except for some green-screen room shooting. In this week’s shooting, I have improved and redo some issues of my shooting in week two, as the following images show, I add one more scene after I woke up, I think using top view is a bit odd and can not perfectly connect to the last scene.

For the rest of the scenes, I have made some notes and keywords before shooting so that I can make sure all these scenes will be connected and also can tell my story clearly. However, because of the limit of my shooting place and I want to let the audience feels that my character has been locked in a hermetic place, I use some close-up and half-body shooting with white background to make my scene look plain.

For modeling, I have picked some design elements from my research and created three different cubes, as the images show. I pick one for detailed design and try with some animations.

I want my cube can have a bit of transfer after the character touched it, and also, after the transfer, it will look more sci-fi and glow brighter. So in my design, I let every small cube move to different positions at different times.

Because it is empty in the middle of my cube, so I put a mesh light and let it glow after it has been transferred, as the image shows.

For my stander, I also want some animation but not too much when my cube is transferring. As the video shows, I let them move up a bit and it feels like waking up and being activated.