Personal Project_ Week 07

In Week 7, I focused on the selection and editing of the sound of the piece and I found 15 more audio tracks online to enrich the integrity of my work. I wanted to make up for the loss of quality and integrity in terms of sound as some of the images and angles during the shoot were not as good as expected and therefore could not be used.

Before this, I designed the opening and closing seconds of motion graphics for my piece. To make the whole production look unreal and mysterious, I created a little smoke effect and camera blur at the beginning and end, with white and black undertones to show the opening and closing credits.


The above video was made by me through AE, as I am still in the learning process for NUKE, I don’t know much about making these effects, so in order, I chose to make it in AE first and try to make it again in nuke afterward.


The video below is the final sound effect from the 15 tracks I downloaded, matched and edited to the screen, it’s a little mysterious and creepy, I wanted to use the murmuring in the sound effects to guide the characters as they move towards the cube and lose themselves, I used the same eye-opening sound effect to reflect the ‘looping’.

Next, I will do some “cleaning up” of the image, I will use NUKEe to remove the tape dots that were attached to the shot and make some adjustments to the shot and tone.