Color correct is very important and it’s one of the main works and skills which a good compositor must have. Though this week’s Nuke class, i have learnt how to control the color, use “Color Correct” and “ Grade” tools to correct the color and the LOG and “ color space” to switch the scene color. Also, i have learnt different types of Merge such as merge top and bottom etc. If the image doesn’t have Alpha channel, i can use copy from A side to B side to connect a Alpha channel on the image and use premmite tool in the end to fix the color.

For my homework, i have used Grade to change the air craft’s brightness and use color correct to correct and color space to let the air craft fit in the background and looks not molimen. For my background, i have checked my background’s RGB color, and use gain to correct the color and make them balanced.

Color correct is my weak part, so for the homework, the issues i have is to reduce the sense of violation between the aircraft and the background, as you can see the final work that i have done is still a bit odd, because the color of the aircradt is too blue and the shadow and light need to be more obvise and match the background. Also, in the next step, i need to forcuse on the aircraft’s shadow and color, to keep the orginal color and make it feel like the background’s color is reflecting in the aircraft, not stick on it.