Nuke_Resolve Clean up issues

Last week, I have had issues with my Crypt scene clean-up, I have cleaned my markers on a specific frame, but there is nothing changed after or before this frame, which means my Rotopaint is not following the camera. After I asked Mr.Gonzalo in this week’s Nuke class, my issue has been solved.

The reason why my markers are still there is that I didn’t create a card node in my 3D tracker points, I should create a card with the same tracking points which have been tracked in my tracker. Also, I need to use hold my roto frame before projection it, as the image shows, after I correct these steps, my marker has been cleaned up from the beginning to the end.

However, I can roto paint four marks on the wall and just use one card, to do that, I just need to select these four markers track points together, and create a card. The card will show these four markers in the 3D viewer, then when I connect my card to the scene, it will clean up all these frames.