This week, I have learned how to import CG sequences into Nuke and some tricks. Firstly, there is a simple CG Composition, just merge the CG file and the Crypt scene together, and set a STmap and reformat nodes before merging.

Because this CG sequence has many channels, so to separate all channels and edit them individually, the Shuffle node can be helped. I can separate all channels from the Shuffle node and merge them after finishing color editing, it is very useful.

Also, the shuffle node can let the CG looks more real in the scene, just switch the channel and Grade it. As the following images show, I have used different channels to see how is this CG Dragon can be looked at in the scene.

After switching the correct channels, I need to correct the color as well. In this week’s class, I have learned a trick to quick use the scene’s color on the CG scene. Using the Grade node, select the original color first and select the scene color on the gain section, it will change to the scene color.