Nuke_3D Clean-Up

To perfectly set my machine model into the scene, I need to clean up some objects in the scene after tracking. Firstly, I want to clean the lamp which is set in front of the crypt, because if I put my machine into the scene, it will cover the machine and will be hard to clean afterward.

To clean this lamp, I have used the 187th frame to roto-paint it because I can clearly see the lamp and the size is the biggest though all frames. After roto-paint, I merged it to the source and roto the lamp part.

Because I only roto-paint the frame 187th, after or before this frame, nothing will be different, the lamp will still be there. To solve this issue, I have created a Frame-Hold Node to hold the frame187th so that this part will not disappear.

The new problem is the roto part is not following the scene, so I have created a tracker to set points around the lamp. The problem that I can’t track them well is the stone near the lamp will disappear in the end because of camera movements. So I am stuck on this issue, if I solved this tracker issue, I can clean up this lamp successfully.