Nuke Week 8

In this week’s Nuke class, i have deep learnt about 2D trackiing in Nuke. Using 4 points to track an object and bake the track so that i can put my own picture on my object and combine together.

Tracker not only can track object, but also can stablized the camera, but the problem is i need to scale the image a bit bigger.

For my homework, i have used 4 points on the iphone and track them together. After that, i backed these points and get 2D corner Pin, i have set input to let my image onto my tracker.

The problem i have got is like the picture shows, i’m not is that the way i did is incorrect or i didn’t find any good way to do, i can’t Roto the hand in the video correctly, there is bit more green spaces aroud my Roto, i have ued feather and bit blur, but they still there.