Nuke Week 11

In this week’s online class, Mr.Gonzalo shared us the “Real Scenarios in Production”. During this lecture, Mr.Gonzalo emphasized to review all of the production works before published, it’s important because every time when i finish my work. I was very hurry to publish it without double checking, the importance of this is because when i work in the company or with a group, project handover is particularly important, i need to consider the perfect of this production and make sure there is no issues after customers checking.

However, Mr.Gonzalo introduced the ‘Stages in Production for Film in Compositing” which is Temp, Trailers, Finals and QC. Most of time, when we finish one of these, we need to come back and double check what’s next and follow this stages. Also, there are some applications which can help us to keep organized, in these three platforms, i prefer to use Google Docs, not only because it’s free to use, but also i have get used of this system works and it’s can let me clearly to know what i have done and what i haven’t.

Production Roles is very important because i need to know what i need to do and what is the direction of my career. VFX Supervisor, Line Producer, VFX Producer and Lead Comp, if in a big Dailies, there will have clients team group as well, so communication is very important at this time, to finish a production, everyone should clear every single work and the deadline, communicate to each other so that it will have less mistakes and issues.   

To working in a company, i have to play my role well and keep communicating to the group members and checking with my clients to make sure everything is going well so that i can finish works on the deadline and reduce issues.