After modelling some components, i start to model the whole shape of the machine. Firstly, i start with the main body, which is the engine, i used cylinder and extrude it, because i want to make the shape of the machine looks the same as the reference, so i bevel edge after extrude the cylinder. The following model is what i have done for my main body.

After that, i have used different polygons to create some details of the main body such as some screws, transmission shaft at front.

For the next step, i start to create pipelines. As the reference picture shows, there are many different size and shapes of pipelines surround the main body, so to create the exact size and shapes of these pipelines, i plan to use curves and cylinder’s upper face to create. I created one cylinder first and delete all other faces except upper face, after that, i create a curve and let my face snap on the curve then extrude it, change the number of it’s subdivisions.

After creating these pipelines, i want to put some more details on the machine and make it looks more reasonable and more steampunk, i model three thermometers on the side of pipeline.

In week three’s Maya class, i have learnt how to rigging the transmission shaft and how to let it control other components to move, so for the next step, i will make more details on my machine first, and the second thing is rigging my transmission properly.