FMP_Plan & Schedule

In order to refine my work and clarify the overall idea and content of my work, I searched for a lot of resources and works for reference and inspiration in the week that followed. The style and story content of the <Tales From The Loop> really appealed to me, and I drew on their stories and styles to complete the story of my final work.

My world view is a post-war world where AI technology has permeated all aspects of society. But after the war, the world has become a mess and the AI is bombing and attacking humans even after the war is over by learning human behavior and instructions.

For my final production, I wanted to learn more about and show the effects of MAYA, so I also tried to do some tests on MAYA fluids, boss marine, and nCloth fabrics. This is to prepare me for the start of the project and to give me an idea of what my final product will look like and what problems I might encounter during the process.

As the Houdini software still takes a lot of time to understand and learn for me personally, I would have chosen the latter for my work on this man, compared to the time and achievability of using Houdini effects and MAYA effects.

The effects in MAYA are modified by simulating the parameters of the different nodes and the real force field, which is relatively easy for me to understand and work with. I can make adjustments through the menus given and produce quick results, and I am relatively familiar with Maya, so I am confident and looking forward to completing this project to my satisfaction.

In order to be able to plan this work, I have made a list of my weekly schedule. As there are 20 weeks until the final delivery, I will focus on modelling and texturing for the first 5 weeks, and in week 10 I will start doing some camera settings and some render tests to check the results. I will leave 5 weeks at the end for rendering so that I don’t waste a lot of time.

My goal for this project was to be able to use MAYA footage and have a good understanding of Maya’s effects and use them flexibly. Of course, I would also like to improve myself in terms of post-production editing and effects. The most important thing is to control the time, as this work is entirely CG animation and effects, so I will plan to spend a lot of time on the final rendering.