Collaborative Unit_Week8

In Week 8, I have checked all models and scenes and we need to be ready for rendering. We also need to push a bit more because we have lost one teammate. So in this week, I have put textures and camera movements for all scenes which I have done, I have talked to my other team members and let them do the same thing, we have to finish this before the end of week 8.

As the image shows, I have put textures on my TV Room. In the first ideal, I was thinking to use greenscreen to change all tv screens’ to Neo’s face, but I think it gonna take much more time and works on this, so I have changed green screen and used different blue and red color to take two pills and it looks good so far. I just need to change the middle tv which is on the table so it will be much easier.

For my Robot scene, I was thinking to use Houdini and make some smoke surround them, but I can’t connect to my teammate who is in charge of Houdini. Now, I want to make this scene in a dark room and look eviler, so I have changed my HDRI image and created an area light on the bottom of my model. I will put some smoke in After Effect and do my best to make it looks good!

Same as my Ship Scence, I want to make it fly in the crypt, so the scene will be dark as well, so I have created two lights on the front and side which are facing the camera. I will put the background and some particulars in Nuke or After Effect.

So far, I think we will be able to finish this project on time, for qualities, I will do my best to present this project well and make all group members satisfied.