After meeting with students from the other courses, I have decided to do CG Animation. In my VFX class, I have two group mates which are Yikun Zhang and Xinran Li, I also shared my information and ideas with students from Game, 3D Animation, and VR, but last, there are only one person contacted me, so we have four people in the group. The good thing is they are all interested in my ideal, also, considering the deadline, number of people in the and time for rendering, I have tried to reduce the length of each scene and focus more on specific objects such as blue and red pills, telephone and quick switch animation, etc.
The following picture is my rough storyboard, I do my best to draw and make notes under each scene to let everyone can understand what is gonna be like in each scene.

I have also written a script for the camera setting in each scene and what will appear in them. I want to let this animation have a storyline, and i also want to let this storyline ups and down, i want it to have a beginning, highlight, and ending. So some scenes I follow the reference video <Awaken Arkia>, to let my project more dramatic and passionate.