Bedroom_Lighting & Texturing

During the holiday,to consonlidate and strengthen my modelling skills and practice on Maya Materials, i have made a small scene of this this bedroom. The first of the folowing pictures is the final scene of my bedroom.

I have didi some research of some fancy bedrooms, and after that i have picked one to design and modelling. I created the walls and floor first to set up the siaze of bedroom . I have cheated on the bed and some lights, i downloaded the whitle models of beds and mirror so that the mesh of these objects are bit mess. Because for this project, i want to forcuse more on texturing, so i have cheated on some modelling of these furnitures.

For lighting, i have used a Hdri image for outside light, and for the roof top, i have set up 9 area lights and change the size and instensity of these area lights so that they look more brigten。 Also, in the bed’s curtain, i have set up an area light to emphasize the main object and let it looks a bit high-end.

To check how textures working, i have changed different view and see if there is anything look odd, the following image is a view outside the room, but from here, though the desl lamp, because i let the light bulb become a light source so that the light bulb will become a light, though this view, it will looks a biy odd.

To solve this issue, i have change value of the desk lamp’s transparency so that it will cover the light bulb.

I have also downloaded some models such as The Iron Man and cars model. I have tried some different textures on them and see how’s these textures and lights gonna be worked.

The issue or the effect which i need to be improved is more details, i have tried to use the Substaince Painter to put some aging effect or some dust effect but what i have done so far is a bit odd. So for the next semester, i would like to forcuse on how to put more details and lights positions to make my models look more real.