I have watched a blogger on TikTok and he has made a image of buddha in a cyberpunk’s style, the production that he did is very impressive and this is the first time i have seen a designer use cyberpunk style to shape the image of Buddha. Though this inspriation, i suddenly have an ideal.

This is the ideal in my head, The image of a Buddha stands in a geometric space, we can’t figure out this space is real or not, we may feel nervous and panic when we stand in this place, but if there is a Buddha in the middle, will it let us feel a bit calm?
To create this project, i have downloaded a buddha’s model and texturing it. Normally the head’s colur of the Buddha is black, but in this environment, i prefer to use gold so that is will make this buddha more different and i want to make it looks different so that it will be reasonable why it will appear in this space.

The Buddha is holy, i have created a gold aperture on the back of Buddha’s head so that it will looks more impressive and magnificant.

Because there is only one objects in the scene, and i want to emphasize and prominent it’s tall and magnificent, so i set a low camera view and let the wall more spacious.

During the modelling, i feel like the surrounding environment is too monotonous and need some details to highlight. So i used many cubes on the background wall of Buddha splicing a “”卐“ which is Buddhist script.

In the final step, i have export the final image into the Photoshop for more details, i have downloaded a image of the brick wall and put it on the side of my environment walls. After that, i have used filter and brightness to make the final work looks more brightly and make themes more pominent.